How to photograph flowers and 5 tips you can use this weekend

Nature has so much to offer and it’s not until you start exploring that you realise how much beauty is out there. This week I took myself on a nature walk around my neighbourhood and discovered some gorgeous plants and flowers right in my own backyard.  Here are my top 5 tips you can use to start your nature photograpy project this weekend.

1. Look in your own backyard

It’s amazing to see what’s actually in your own backyard when you start exploring. I not only found some pretty flowers but also some gorgeous weeds in my garden. When you start venturing into areas that you may not have really looked before it’s pretty cool to see what is actually growing in your own garden!

2. Check your camera settings

When photographing flowers and plants be sure to use a wide aperture (your f/stop number needs to be low) to ensure you get a shallow depth of field and a beautifully blurry background in your images.

3. Look for variety in textures and patterns

Nature has a lot to offer and it’s not always colourful. I found some amazing weeds in my yard that were subtle but stood out to me when I actually started looking. Although understated this flower made a great subject as it had lots of texture and pattern.

4. Lighting

Depending on the time of day you take your photos will depend on the look of your image. Photographers love the ‘magic hours’ which typically are on sunrise and sunset. They are magic because the light is fantastic! The image below was taken early in the morning and the soft light of the early morning sun was fabulous to create a sparkling effect in the background. Early morning light is often much cooler than in the afternoon.

5. Composition

When composing an image it’s important to follow the rule of thirds. Composition is important and can make or break an image. If you find yourself constantly placing your subject smack bang in the middle of your photo try to reposition it to either side. You can find more information about this rule here. Another thing to think about is to check that there are no distractions in the background of your photo.

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